On November 13, 2024 Harvard Club of Russia conducted elections for the club's leadership positions. We are happy to introduce the new club management team:
Executive Board: Mikhail Dmitriev, MBA ’08, President Andrew Berezin, ALM ’17, Treasurer Anna Saakyan, MA ’17, VP of School Relations Irina Lavrukhina, MPA ’16, co-VP of Events Anastasia Zotova, MBA 09, co-VP of Events Maxim Chereshnev, PLD ’14, HBS Liaison
Supervisory Board: Joseph Bakaleynik, MBA ’92 Alexander Lupachev, MBA ’04 Alexander Nadmitov, LLM ’04 Mikhail Pryadilnikov, PhD ’09 Vladimir Stolyarenko, AMP ’16 Alexey Ivanov, LLM ’11