Harvard Club of Russia

Please fill in the form below to confirm your membership with the Club.

You will get access to the Club communications via email and Telegram
You can get discount on all Moscow-based events or free attendance of all events in Moscow for a year, guaranteed seat availability and seat reservation
You will receive monthly Newsletter devoted to the past and future events of the Club
Classic Membership

Cost: 15 000 RUR per annum

Eligibility: Harvard or Yale alumni status as per Harvard Alumni Association / Yale Alumni Association registry. A separate Classic Membership can be acquired for a spouse.


  • 50% discount on all Moscow-based events
  • Guaranteed seat availability, seat reservation and personal communication
  • Always be the first to know about the upcoming events
  • Variety of free attendance events
  • Club communications via email and Telegram channel, Telegram group
  • Right to sign invitations for Friends of the Club
Full Membership

Cost: 70 000 RUR per annum

Eligibility: same as Classic Membership


  • Free attendance of all Moscow-based events of the year
  • Reserved seat at every Moscow-based event
  • Ad-hoc registration for all events of the year (no need to register each time)
  • All benefits of the Classic Membership
New in the Family

Cost: 5 000 RUR per annum


A) New alumni as per Harvard Alumni Association / Yale Alumni Association of up to 5 years past graduation, excluding Executive and Extension programs

B) Current students of Harvard or Yale Programs minimum of 1 year of full in-class attendance


  • Same as Classic Membership
Friends of the Club

Cost: 15 000 RUR per annum


A) Invitation signed by at least 3 HAA Harvard Alums with Active Classic or Full Membership

B) Graduates of elite universities that have an active alumni club in Russia upon an agreement between their respective club and Harvard Club of Russia


  • Same as Classic Membership
Basic Membership

Cost: FREE

Eligibility: alumni status as per Harvard Alumni Association / Yale Alumni Association registry


  • Invitation to Club events at full cost and up to event regular capacity
  • Invitation to a variety of free attendance events up to event regular capacity
Fill in the form to confirm your Club membership
Harvard, Yale or other affiliation
Telegram account or phone number; if you do not use Telegram, put n/a
Link; if you do not use Facebook, put n/a
How do you prefer to communicate with the Club?
You can select more than one option
Please name up to 3 HAA Harvard Alums with Active Classic or Full Membership